Billionaire Vladimir Lisin sells Freight One

Home/News/Billionaire Vladimir Lisin sells Freight One

The Russian freight logistics company Freight One has changed hands. For over a decade, it belonged to Russian billionaire Vladimir Lisin through his affiliated entities. In November 2023, Freight One became the property of Aurora Invest. Analysts estimate the size of the deal at around $2.5 billion.

According to the media, the change of ownership will not entail a change in the company’s business strategy, but its business will be expanded across several pillars.

Freight One is listed among Russia’s two largest rail shipping operators. The company was founded in 2007. Vladimir Lisin bought out Russian Railways’ stake in Freight One in 2012 through his other business, the Independent Transport Company.

Vladimir Lisin is one of the world’s wealthiest individuals. Forbes assessed his personal wealth at $24.8 billion, ranking him 70th in the world and third in Russia.