About us

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RussiasRichest is an encyclopedia of biographies of the most influential and successful Russian entrepreneurs. It contains up-to-date information about the personalities who have developed the most profitable and well-known business projects in modern Russia.

The encyclopedia is created and maintained by professional journalists with experience working at a number of media outlets including the BBC, the Moscow Times, the New York Times, RBC and Radio Liberty. The team is therefore well versed in the Russian media sphere as well as the inner workings of large corporations.

Our mission is to provide an unbiased and reliable account of the recent history of Russian business and the people behind it. We show how they started their careers and where they are now, how they are responding to events on the international and domestic agenda, and what they are doing abroad.

We use information from official archives, documents and authoritative sources, carefully checking facts, contacting representatives of the people being showcased in our encyclopedia, and regularly updating the information about them.

We do all of this to provide the international community with an accurate picture of who’s who in the Russian business elite.

If you are aware of any interesting or useful info on the topic we cover on this website, please send us an e-mail official@russiasrichest.com