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Iskandar Makhmudov

Искандар (Искандер) Махмудов
Date of birth
Net worth*
$3.6 BN

*Net worth according to Forbes Russia (billion USD)

Current global ranking
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Founder of Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (UMMC), one of the largest copper producers in Russia.

Born on December 5, 1963 in Bukhara, Uzbekistan.

Russian citizen.

Married, one child.

Net worth in 2023 – $8.3 billion (about 705.5 billion rubles).


  • Together with partners he owned 77% of Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company and related assets: Kuzbassrazrezugol, Ugol-Trans logistics company, Rosterminalugol and Vostochny Port. In 2022 he ceased to be a beneficiary of the corporation and resigned from its management. The company’s revenue in 2023 was 287.48 billion rubles (about $3.382 billion).
  • Violan holding company, which owns shares in TransComponent Holding, the Central Suburban Passenger Company, the National Agricultural Company, the Sea Port in Trinity Bay and other assets
  • He owns shares in Transmashholding, one of Russia’s largest rail transport manufacturers, as well as Aeroexpress, a railway company that transports passengers to Moscow airports by rail.
  • He is believed to own the 73-meter yacht Predator worth €69 million (about 6.762 billion rubles). As of 2024, the boat is for sale.

Awards and achievements:

Recipient of Russian state awards:

  • The IV class Order For Merit to the Fatherland.
  • The II class Medal of the Order For Merit to the Fatherland.

Source for information: Forbes.com, Forbes.ru, Interfax.ru, Rbc.ru

Interviews and articles

  • They took up arms: what does the billionaire Makhmudov do with partners in the Kalashnikov Concern
    forbes.ru September 21, 2016
    They took up arms: what does the billionaire Makhmudov do with partners in the Kalashnikov Concern
    Read more

Last update: 06.08.2024